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590 Turner Blvd • St Peters MO 63376
Tel: 636-278-2825
Multiple stages consisting of 5 circular steel plates, with a diameter of 10” or 12”, with 1plate designated as the “stop plate”.
Each competitor shoots each stage five times, with their slowest run dropped. The times are totaled for your stage score, stage scores are added together to establish the competitor's match score.
For each run, one hit per target is required, with an unlimited number of rounds. The last target to be shot, the stop plate, stops the timer. Any primary targets that have not been hit after the stop plate has been struck, will be scored with a 3-second penalty each. The maximum time permitted for a run is 30 seconds and a competitor will be stopped and asked to reload if they reach the 30 second limit.
Rimfire competitors start from low ready, centerfire competitors start from holster.